Category meta

Hello (beautiful) World

Hello world. Hello world! I have been wanting to put up a website in some shape or form for a while now. It is finally here. What an exciting beginning!...

Category Moneta

Moneta: a HFT plaform for fun and profit

This post has appeared previously my Linkedin profile. You can check the development progress of the plaform here.

Category SoftwareDevelopment

Moneta: a HFT plaform for fun and profit

This post has appeared previously my Linkedin profile. You can check the development progress of the plaform here.

Category security mobile

Privacy (in your) pocket

How my growing interest in privacy and security has made me buy a phone made by Google, the company with literally the worst track record on those issues.

Category AI

Talking AI and ML at NY Code and Coffee

I was lucky enough to attend “Demystifying AI - An Introductory Workshop to AI and ML”, an event held at The Yard - Gowanus by the brilliant Sabri Monaf.

Category workshop

Talking AI and ML at NY Code and Coffee

I was lucky enough to attend “Demystifying AI - An Introductory Workshop to AI and ML”, an event held at The Yard - Gowanus by the brilliant Sabri Monaf.

Category Development

Variants vs Any - Part 2

“Jump into the world of std::any, and discover a few interesting things about type erasure along the way”

Variants vs Any - Part 1

“Variants, Any types… is this Python or CPP? Let’s discover together these powerful C++17 features in this multi-part article.”

Containerize your first application

Containerizing an application is simpler than you might think! In this brief tutorial, let’s create an application inside a container using Docker!

An intro to Dynamic Programming

Brushing up on concepts and learning dynamic programming by doing. Let’s get to it!

Dynamically Linked Libraries in C++ - Part One

Compiling a library can be a daunting and intimidating task. Heck, many developers out there may never even need to learn how to do it, particularly if they primarily use...

Easy partial function applications in C++

What is a partial function application and why it is not currying

Maps of any in C++

Among the additions and innovations that C++17 brought about, std::any is certainly a powerful one! A while back, I decided to leverage this class to create a powerful construct: a...